??? 5D Awareness Mantra ???
? You get to choose in each moment what frequency you want to vibrate at, therefore living your life in the fifth dimension is a choice. And even when you reach this state of being there is no guarantee that you stay there as it is a conscious choice of actions and thoughts throughout your day. The more you make conscious choices to stay there, the easier and easier it is to reach.
The 5th dimension is a vibrational frequency of unconditional love and compassion for both yourself and others. There is an absence of fear and in turn, a motivation to create love in whatever you do, whoever you speak to ( or about) and where your emotions only come from one place: your heart space. LOVE.
In order to feel present in the 5th dimension, you must also surround yourself with like-minded loving and compassionate people. Ask your higher self and guides to bring closer to you, people of a higher frequency. (and if needed because of toxicity, ask your guides to cut cords of those who are no longer suited for your highest good)?
Here is a great affirmation to state throughout your day, when you get up and when you go to sleep at night. ?
By saying “and so it is” puts into the universe that it has already happened and by saying “thank you” four times to Source shows your gratitude for the help.
In Love and Light ???