??? Empress Tarot Card Meanings ???

The Empress

A beautiful mother stands in the emotions of herself and the earth that surrounds her awaiting the birth of her newborn baby. She looks to the future with confidence and a deep connection with the soul that is within her. Transformation is already taking place for both her and this new soul. A new door is opening as she connects deeply to whom she is and the whispers of Gaia herself.

The Empress from Ascension Tarot

The soul reaches and enters Earth through the mother, the Empress of the deck. Gaia welcomes the soul energy, realigning herself, and holding space until the soul can make their bearings.

The Empress feels the call of the soul months or even years prior to the soul arriving. The empress encompasses the intuition and femininity of the High Priestess and the tools of the Magician. Combined The

Empress, the mother is the only divine portal to get to earth and thus manifests the new Soul into her world.

It is through the energy of Gaia that you are able to hear the guidance and whispers of nature, the trees, the animals, and insects. You learn through this that there is an internal structure to all, everything and every

being has its place in this world.

You are just one piece of that puzzle.

The Empress is ruled by Venus. Within her aura holds the energy of sexuality, fertility, and creativity. She is the triple goddess, the maiden, the mother, and the crone. Mind, body, and spirit of the balanced magic that is the cycle of life. She is Creation herself, allowing life to live within and around her.

The message of the Empress is one of reconnecting to the energy of the earth as a whole. Of creativity and the birth of new ideas. She asks you to reconnect with that sensual aspect of yourself, allowing your feminine side to shine through. When you are able to connect to another piece of you, you are allowing new ideas to enter your space. Beauty is everywhere and especially within you. A transformation takes place when you realign with that sacred part of yourself where strength and beauty reside. The confidence that you exhibit will create a field of light or a beacon allowing others to gravitate towards you, allowing your dreams and aspirations to magnetize and manifest. Connecting with nature, going on walking meditations, hiking, listening to the whispers of the trees allows you to open up to the magic of who you truly are and possibly who you have forgotten about. You come from the celestial heavens above. A beautiful ray of light that has the ability to be and do what you desire. So whatever you are dreaming of, whatever new ideas are being birthed right now, act upon those. This is also a message to get out into nature more. Activate your senses and open the door to spiritual growth and your divine sexuality. By surrounding yourself with nature, you allow that inner part of you that has been sleeping to activate and realign with the new path you are about to embark on. Create beauty in your life.

You have the ability to create whatever it is you desire. Do not give up. Keep pressing forward. Abundance and creativity flow through and to you. There is a project that you have been contemplating, bring this to fruition. Divine feminine energy is flowing through you. Use this to your advantage. You are birthing new ideas into your realm. This is also the card of motherhood and giving birth.

Nature and the world around you are providing you with the answers. The energy of the trees, the animals, insects, and flowers all have a message for you. As you grow in tune with the holographic world around you, more abundance and creativity flow to, and around you. You are able to see more clearly. The Empress is the mother figure of the deck, asking you to get in tune with your feminine side, to take care of your “babies/projects” and to find pleasure in all that you do.


Keywords: Gaia, Fertility, Birthing new ideas, Motherhood, Divine feminine, creative expression, Creating joy, sexuality, pleasure, a new family, abundance, luxury, growth, create new life, relationship, marriage


In order to move forward, you need to gain a more clear sense of insight. Something is clouding your judgment allowing your blockages to continue. There is little to no flow of creativity happening causing even more stagnation that is seeping into other parts of your life. You may be feeling low energy, which is dulling your overall senses. There is a deep need to look within and regain the insight that has been lost. Are you struggling in your relationships or working with others? Are you neglecting your own needs? These challenging feelings can cause a lot of anguish inside. Take a step back and take care of yourself. If you are not well, then situations and people around you will feel this sense of instability. Take some time for yourself and get back into alignment. A great place to start is by taking a trip into nature. Allow Gaia to heal you from within.

Your confidence and personal power are being questioned. Step back into your personal power by stepping into nature for some nurturing of your own. Realign with your divine feminine and your “mothering” instincts. You can create anything you desire when you affirm that you a part of the conscious collective.

Keywords: Unproductive, infertility, creative block, disharmony, focusing too much on material wealth, overwhelm of emotions, unbalanced.

Gemstones: Larimar, Carnelian, Citrine, Fire Agate, Moonstone, Moss Agate

Energy: Femininity

Astrological: Venus

Element: Earth

Moon Reference: Full Moon

Chakra: Root Chakra, the heart chakra of the world

Dimension: 5th dimension

Journal Questions and Prompts:

  1. What is it that I am giving birth to right now and how can I take that energy and expand it to my highest potential? What more can I do to create even more abundance?
  2. When in nature what is nature telling me? Take notice, what are the messages from the tress? The birds? The leaves? The animals? What messages are they giving you?
  3. Am I taking the time to connect to who I truly am and why I am here? Am I on the right path? Am I making the right choices for both myself and those around me?
  4. What is my inner child asking from me? How can I allow my inner child to shine?


The sacred energy and sounds of nature recharge my soul, filling my heart with peace and gratitude. And so it is. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

As I step into nature I feel fully supported and grounded, allowing all my chakras to realign and heal. And so it is. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

Card Pull: Take out the Empress card. Shuffle the rest and then ask two questions: What is Gaia asking from me? And what can I do to help manifest this intention for Gaia? Pull two cards. Place both to the right of The Empress card.

In Love and Light ???