Find Your Strength
There are certain things in my life that I can conquer and walk right through, there are others that I have been struggling with for years or even my entire life.
Some days I face fear and walk right through, other days I analyze, I talk myself out of, I put myself down.
I think who am I to be successful??
Who am I to be better?
Who am I to light my flame for others?
But I think that is all it is, it’s a struggle that we all go through. We all have something. We all have our loops.
I am starting to see that all that is needed is that knowing. That awareness that we are in a loop.
That is half the battle right there.
So you struggle but that struggle becomes less and less.
You start to be less hard on yourself and you keep walking forward.
Growth happens and growth sticks.
You become better and better and you start to see more and more clearly.
In the meantime, go easy on yourself.
You are going to keep looping until you get it and that’s ok.
That awareness alone is what will keep your light on to keep moving forward.
What are some of the thoughts, situations, and things that you struggle with?