??? Magician Tarot Card Meanings ???
The Magician
A man stands tall in his knowledge of the universe. Holding the key of wisdom transmuting the energy from spiritual to physical through his Lemurian crystal wand. A key holding the knowledge of thousands of years worth of sacred knowledge. Around him, he keeps his thoughts close and he allows his emotions to penetrate him but not enclose him. He is creating his world by what he knows at the moment.
Before the soul leaves her celestial home, she is given one of two things. The art and magic of the Magician. A present that will allow the soul to create all experiences necessary to create the experiences that are needed to be and do what is needed to follow through with the mission that was set out to achieve. Within this first package contains 4 things. First, The key to all-knowing. As above so below. Whatever is happening in your energetic state and mental state will appear in your physical state. (Fire element) Second, your thoughts (air element), third your emotions (water element), and fourth the ability to stir the pot to combine all
these to create the life that you will live on Earth. (Earth element) Everything that you need to create the life you want, you have right in front of you. These universal powers are your birthright. You were created from the source and so you are the Source. With that comes with the magic of source.
Use your powers and magic wisely.
The Magician card is number one in the deck and represents a brand new beginning, a new cycle, and new inspiration. The message from the Magician states to be careful of what you wish for. Be careful and conscious of your beliefs. What appears in your mind will be created in your physical life. You live in a multidimensional holographic world; you are the game programmer and game player. Just like in video games you will collect powers to enhance your abilities, you will lose the energy you will gain energy. Everything is up to you. You create the rules in your universe but are careful. You can use your magic for good or for evil. Beware of the aftermath and be conscious of your decisions. There is a positive and negative reaction to all thoughts and actions. Learn the boundaries of your surroundings so that you may make the best possible decisions. Life is what you make it on earth. Life is not happening to you, it is happening for you. You create the ending to your own stories. It will be up to you to master your own powers, learning from each lesson, and utilizing that knowledge for future trials.
Gifted before birth, in your celestial home, you have been given everything that you need to manifest all that you desire. With your feet grounded into the earth and your crown chakra into the higher dimensions, you are flowing with guidance from the Universe. Bring all your ideas into your reality and manifest your dreams
Keywords: Magic, Power, Manifestation, Gifts from Source, Skills, Action, and creativity
Beware of the overuse of your given powers. Beware of the thoughts that you give to the knowledge of this ancient form of work. Are you using your magic for negative or positive Are you utilizing them consciously? Are you achieving your goals as you set out to do or are you sitting back feeling lost and detached? Reversed can indict trickery and the cunning manipulation of others. Are you out of touch with reality? Do you lack a clear and concrete plan to move forward? You have so many skills and magic within that you are not using that you have complete access to. But you have forgotten. Now is a good time to spend time in nature and with self to get grounded and reattach to the source of knowledge to get clear on your intentions and soul mission.
You are second-guessing the magic that you hold within and around you. You have forgotten your birthright and about the tools that were given to you to walk this life on Earth. Beware of your thoughts. The Universe does what you ask including reacting to negative thoughts. As above, so below.
Keywords: Manipulation, trickery, unclear goals, self-destructive actions, blocked energy, illusion, transformation
Gemstones: Moldavite, Herkimer Diamond, Merlinite, Blue Apatite, Lemurian Quartz
Energy: Resourceful
Astrological: Mercury
Element: Air
Moon Reference: First Quarter Moon (Yang)
Corresponding Card: The 8 of Crystals
Chakra Correspondence: Chakra 6: The Third Eye Chakra`
Dimension: 10th Dimension
Journal Questions and Prompts:
- What skills do I have that I am not addressing that would be beneficial to me moving forward?
- What can I do to create more balance in my life?
- How can I open up more to who I truly am using the skills that I already possess?
I am one with the light and the love of the creator from where I come from and I utilize all tools that were given to me to move forward into my best self. And so it is. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
My chakra system is clear all the way up from my first chakra to my 100th chakra and beyond. I am clear and I aligned with Source. I am clearly receiving the knowledge of the universe. And so it is. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Card Pull:
What are you manifesting right now? Take the Magician card out of the deck. Using only the minors, shuffle and ask what life is trying to mirror back to you. Pull two cards. Place one above the magician and one below the magician. The top card comes from source; the card below is what you are manifesting on earth based on what is happening above.
In Love and Light ???