Numerology Number Seven
Numerology Energy of Seven.
The Seven’s energy is a number of slowing down and F-E-E-L-I-N-G through it.
Take notice, feel the energy around you…what do you feel? What do you hear, what nudges are speaking to you? If you are just beginning to listen to your inner self a nice walk in nature or meditation will help you to dig deeper into that inner knowing.
Seven is a number of spending time alone, being with Gaia, rejuvenation, reading books (ok!! ? )
When you ground yourself into the thought process you gain strong intuitive insights. Write these down or just take notice. You are always being nudged forward. When this idea and nudge is brought forward from your guides think it over, sit with it, feel it, embrace it. All these ideas are great ways to expand your knowledge of this multidimensional world. Each idea is an opportunity for soul growth and expansion.
There are no limitations to what you can do and where you can go. Sitting with your thoughts and gaining insight from source and your guides allows you to see through different eyes which expands the essence of who you are. This insight will only grow and expand even deeper as greater wisdom is accessed.
Allow your soul to drift into the unknown of this multidimensional universe.
Guard against overanalyzing or going into overthinking mode. Anxiety, doubt, and fear live there. Feel the fears and then let it go. Move forward. Trust the process. Life is exactly as it should be.
Enjoy the Energy of your spiritual essence and Intuition.
In love and light ???