Three of Swords Tarot Card Meanings
?The Three of Swords?⚔️
The pain is real. The loss is real but the thoughts of it come and go as the days go by. Sometimes the only things that can be done are to remember why you are doing it or why you hold on.
The three of swords is a card of heartbreak, heartache, inner turmoil, pain and unexpected events that change the course of your life.
Your thoughts allow the pain to enter the mind making it harder to let go.
It becomes a part of you for a time being until you are able to console yourself and quiet the voice of pain into reason.
Where happiness and joy once lived, now lives sadness and anxiety.
This card gives you the chance to think things through, play the situation over in your mind and reflect on if the right choices were made.
What you can do to move forward?
Your heart is cracked wide open, what can you do to feel more love?
Allow the light in.
What are you holding onto that is keeping you stuck in the same cycle of mind frame?
To move forward the painful thoughts must be acknowledged and they must be understood. Only then can you begin to see the reality and the truth of what is real and what is not.
There is another way forward but the way that you are seeing things at the moment are blinded by the blocks within you.
You have created walls all around you, keeping yourself and your feelings, hidden.
To move forward you must bring down the walls and clear the fog.
Keywords: unexpected events, heartbreak, anxiety, holding on
Reversed Three of Swords
You have realized that you can no longer stay in the pain of your mind and you are making a true effort to release yourself from the reigns of the negativity, sadness, and triggers that are holding you back from happiness and healing.
You see the light emerging and you are taking hold of it.
You are ready to face your emotions and the thoughts that are holding you back.
The walls are coming down, the fog is lifting.
You are ready to begin the healing process.
The three represents expecting the unexpected. Pain included. Sometimes life gets in the way. You are traveling down the road of happiness and content and from out of know where life throws something at you that you were not prepared for. Trauma is our unexpected friend that provides pain but also life lessons. The test and the positivity in it are about how you will handle it moving forward. How can you deal with this and move forward at the same time? What is the lesson in all of this?
For more information on Numerology Number Three please Click Here
Crystals to Work With: Rose Quartz, Obsidian, Clear Quartz, Rhodonite