Two of Cups Tarot Card Meanings
?Partnerships come in all shapes and sizes. When one becomes two it takes a conscious choice to make it happen.
You go from doing things by yourself and being independent of everyone to being immersed in that other person’s world.
Relationships come and go. Like water, they are fluid and never-ending. Partnerships flow through you like a never-ending river and like water the water is not always calm. Calm waters can become stormy water in a matter of minutes.
When you make the choice to start a love relationship, join hands in a company, buy a pet, have a child your energy becomes a soul contract with the other. You never know when this contract will end but you do know that for it to work you will need to put in a strong and conscious effort.
Relationships are not all rainbows and sometimes while one person is putting in the effort, the other person may not have the tools to reciprocate the effort. That is when you hold the space for that person until they catch up. Partnerships are beautiful things for they are number one teachers in this life. Without them, you would not have the ability to learn what you came here to learn. Through them, we create drama and drama is what unfolds the beauty of your soul as you learn to manage your emotions and create your dreams.
Look at the relationships around you. Which ones are you struggling in? Is your pet constantly chewing your shoe? What emotions are being brought up because of that? That is what you need to look at to help change the relationship. Are you constantly judging your child for not doing something? What emotions are you holding onto from your own childhood that is interfering with your child relationship today?
The child is playing the mirror for you to work on what needs to be worked on in this life. Your relationships are the mirrors of your soul. When you can no longer learn from your mirror and there is nothing left to give and show then the relationship will most likely end and you will move onto the next teacher. You are all teachers and you are all students.
It is time to look at your relationships in a new light.
?Keywords: Soul contracts, mirror, partnership
Reversed Two of Cups Tarot Card Meanings
?When you place the blame on the other person in your relationship you take away the chance to dig
deep into yourself and learn from what is happening. Acknowledging that you are both in a soul contract together, whether it is for a short time or for a long time is key to starting fresh.
You are in this dance together; you are on the same team. Making this about you and you against them will on cause misery and self-sabotage.
Regardless if you learn this lesson with this person, you will learn it eventually for the lesson will not go away until you do.
?Keywords: blame, misery, alone
?The Two of Cups is number two in Numerology.
As you merge into partnership self-sacrifice will be needed to engage. You will need to learn conflict resolution and learn to cooperate.
This is a testing ground to achieving your goals. Patience and compassion will need to be practiced to help the partnership go smoothly.
You will butt heads, you will argue but being mindful that you are on the same team striving towards the same goals will help to solve problems more quickly.
Use your intuition to guide you and navigate you through the storms as well as the calm.
For more information on Numerology Number Two please Click Here
?Crystals to work with: Rose quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Carnelian, Moonstone